About the Friends

The Friends of the Erie County Library was founded as an association of persons interested in increasing, improving and promoting the resources and services of our public library.  It was specifically created to support and assist the county library system.  The Friends of the Library addresses the need for library services and programs in addition to what tax dollars are able to fund and advocates for quality library services in our community.

In 1978, when an earlier Friends of the Library group dissolved , the President of the Board of Directors of what was then the Erie City and County Library wrote to a number of local organizations asking for assistance in developing a new Friends group.  The Erie Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) was one of the organizations to respond and ultimately took the lead in organizing what is now the Friends of the Erie County Library.

All funds that are raised by the Friends of the Library are used to support the library.  Funding from the Friends allows the library to provide programs, special events, activities, and services that would not otherwise be possible.  The Friends of the Library has committed funding to library renovations and expansion, advocates for the library and dedicates funds to staff development.  They support library outreach efforts  at school nights, open houses, teacher in-services, community festivals, and other events.  The Friends are unique in how they support our public library.

For calendar year 2024, the Friends budgeted over $75,000 to support Adult and Youth Services, Outreach and Staff Development.  

In particular, the Friends of the Library supports library programming, allowing  the library to provide a variety of unique offerings.  The Summer Reading Challenge, Book Clubs, Computer Classes and Storytimes are just a few of the many sponsored programs for children and adults. (See list of current programs sponsored by the Friends of the Library).

Over the years, the Friends of the Library have taken leadership roles and/or participated in major fundraising projects on behalf of the library.  In 1983 and 1984, the Friends of the Library undertook a fund drive for renovations at the Perry Square library, raising over $220,000 towards the required match of $400,000 for a LSCA Title II grant. The Friends provided $10,000 in operating funds and later donated an additional $25,000.  In appreciation , the Board of Directors of the Erie County Library Systems in 1984 presented to the Friends of the Library a framed citation that commended “the officers, members, friends and staff of the Friends of the Library for extraordinary efforts in raising matching funds for the federal grant and for their continued support – both financial and moral – of the Erie County Library System.”

In 1995, the Friends of the Library pledged $10,000 and participated in the campaign to raise money from individuals and organizations to augment the money borrowed by the county to build and furnish the new Blasco Library.

In 2001, the Friends of the Library pledged $50,000 over the next five years towards Blasco Library expansion.

In 2006, funding not to exceed $10,000 was approved for the One Book One Erie Program to support a matching grant of $6,000 from the Humanities Council.

In 2008, the Friends allocated $50,000 for the purpose of assisting with the construction and furnishing of Lincoln Community Center.

The Fall 2010 newsletter describes that over the course of the previous year, $75,000 was dedicated towards the re-design of the second floor of Blasco Library; funding of $11,000 allowed the library to obtain children’s computers; and, $9,500 funded a feasibility study of potential redesign of the first floor of Blasco Library.

 In 2013, the Friends of the Library agreed to fund half of a staff outreach position, sharing the cost with the Erie Housing Authority. 

In 2018, the Friends agreed to provide $60,000 as a match to Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority (ECGRA) funds to support the Idea Lab becoming part of the Erie Beehive Network.  This grant ran from 2019-22.  The Friends are currently providing an $18,000 for a second grant (2023-25).

Also in 2018, the Friends earmarked up to $10,000 for a matching portion of a ECRA grant to digitalize Erie newspapers from 1880-1900.

In 2019, the Friends of the Library spearheaded the fundraising efforts for the restoration of Minerva and the design and completion of the pedestal after its return to the library.

In addition to the above, the Friends of the Library have made a variety of smaller donations; some examples (beginning in the 1980’s) include encyclopedia sets, a microfilm/microfiche reader, rental of films for children’s programs, puppets, $1000 to start an audio cassette collection, a professionally made video to support building the new library facility, computers, a motor for the screen in the Hirt Auditorium,  new shelving at library branches, a previously owned van to be used to transport books, an MP3 player and docking station for Blasco, and partial funding for a performance for youth by the band i.M Possible.

The Friends of the Library have supported staff development including sponsorship of attendance at American Library Association and Pennsylvania Library Association conferences, Staff Development Days, staff recognition and other training. 

Advocacy efforts include:

  • Newspaper campaigns in 1978 and 1979 for restoration of funding and to preserve continued operation of all library branches
  • Action in 1979 aimed to restore funding and re-open three library branches
  • Collection of over 800 signatures and $1050 towards advertising (that included a full page ad in the Erie Times-News) urging elected officials to keep the library’s 1980 budget at a level to qualify for state assistance
  • Formation of a Library Budget Action Committee and public appeal to Erie County Council in 1982 when a budget crisis threatened closure of branches and the loss of the bookmobile
  • Advocacy, including a letter writing campaign and a public meeting with Glenn Miller, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Library Association, when planned 50% cuts in the 2003/04 state budget threatened library services, programs and staff positions
  • Support in 2009 when budgetary concerns again arose

In large part because of its extensive advocacy efforts related to the 2003/04 state budget, in 2003 the Erie Friends group was recognized as a most effective library citizens group when it was honored with the Pennsylvania Citizens for Better Libraries Award of Merit.    

In addition to the multitude of library programs that the Friends of the Library have supported over the years, they have presented, sponsored or co-sponsored independent programs and events including book reviews, luncheons that featured book reviews and speakers, and authors including Marc Tolon Brown (Erie native known for the Arthur books), Jim Trelease (on two occasions in the 1990’s), Craig Johnson and Marie Benedict.  Annual Meetings in the past included speakers or presentations, such as Soujourner and the Belle of Amherst. The Friends of the Library have been a regular sponsor of WQLN programs related to reading readiness. 

In 1986 and in 1988, the Friends of the Library successfully applied to the Erie Community Foundation for grants on behalf of the library.  In 1986, $12,00 was awarded towards restoration work in the second floor art gallery room at the Perry Square library.  In 1988, $10,000 was received to hire a consultant to oversee a library-wide planning process.

The Friends of the Erie County Library raise funds through the ongoing operation of the Bayfront Bookshelf, the Great American Book Sale, smaller book sales throughout the year and special events. Under the auspices of the bookstore, in 2021, the Friends of the Library began selling more valuable donated books on abebooks.com.  Donations are received from the community during Erie Gives Day.

The Great American Book Sale remains the Friends’ primary fundraiser.  The Friends held their first book sale in 1978 in a tent next to the Perry Square library.  The Great American Book Sale has been held annually since then with the exception of the first year of the pandemic (2020).  

The first Friends of the Library book sale in 1978 generated $6,242 in income for the Friends.  This amount has steadily grown over the years.  In 2023, the net income from the Great American Book Sale was $77,379.  The summer book sale is by far the Friends’ largest fundraiser and allows the organization to support the library to the  extent to it does.

The Great American Book Sale has become a community event and, in addition to raising money, recycles an estimated 75,000 books.  With so many books and reasonable prices, the sale promotes reading for both children and adults.   The sale is primarily attended by Erie County residents but individuals from nearby counties, visitors to the area, and individuals from more distant locations, including some dealers, also frequent the sale.  

The Friends of the Library is an all volunteer organization with 501(c)(3) status.  There are over 450 members with a board of directors and elected officers.  An Annual Meeting is held every June.

Our Mission and Values


The mission of the Friends of the Erie County Public Library is to support and advocate for our library. ​


Our vision is a thriving and sustainable library accessible and welcoming to all.

Core Values

We value:

  • Lifelong learning and literacy
  • Equal access to services
  • Community involvement and civic engagement
  • Volunteerism and service
  • The highest standards of ethics, integrity, and accountability

Future Aspirations

We aspire to:

  • Advance library technology
  • Promote innovation and creativity
  • Develop effective approaches to fulfill our mission and vision

Establish collaborative relationships in the community

Marion Gallivan1978 – 80
Jim Viehdeffer1980 – 81
John Cooper1981 – 83
Malcolm Pollard1983 – 85
Terry McCammon1985 – 87
Diane Meess1987 – 88
Ann Weithman1988 – 90
Robert Gallivan1990 – 92
Debra Johnson1992 – 94
Robert Gallivan1994 – 96
Debra Naughton1996 – 97
Robert Gallivan1997 – 99
Barbara Hutzelman1999 – 2001
Robert Gallivan2001 – 13
Marcy Bencivenga2013 – 15
Marion Gallivan2015 – 17
Carol Gettinger2017 – 19
Peg Shenefelt2019 – 21
Sara Baugh

Hank Barbour


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